Welcome To No More Panic Attack

Panic attack can strike you anytime, anywhere. The very first panic attack can be a very terrifying experience as you are struck be a barrage of strange uncomfortable symptoms and you feel as though you are going to die very soon.

For some people, their panic attack is a one-off, isolated experience but for others, it never really does go away and they continue to suffer from panic attacks again…and again…and again.

Left untreated, panic attack sufferers can develop irrational fear of situations that they think might trigger their panic attack. In the worst case scenario, they may also become totally house-bound as they feel unsafe going out alone. This can have a very serious and negative impact on their relationships, work and personal life.

Hence, this site was created with the intention of helping all panic attack sufferers. Learn more about your symptoms now and discover how you can stop you panic attacks permanently!


Severe Stomach Pain

During panic attacks, your digestive juices decrease and you metabolism slows down. You may have the urge to use the toilet and have tummy aches. These tummy aches can be from gentle butterflies to severe pain.

You may also feel bloated and feel that your stomach is very tight. You can suffer from a lack of appetite, sometime; even the thought of eating will make you nauseous or want to throw up. It suffices to say that you rarely ever throw up.

You need to understand that high stress biology, produced during panic attacks, will cause the built up of stomach acid which can irritate the stomach and cause indigestion, bloating, loss of appetite, so forth and so on.

You can try eating frequently, but in smaller portions, to help reduce these symptoms. Eating non-spicy food can also help as it causes less irritation to the stomach. Drink plenty of water and get ample rest as this particular symptom can take a while before it disappear.

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