Welcome To No More Panic Attack

Panic attack can strike you anytime, anywhere. The very first panic attack can be a very terrifying experience as you are struck be a barrage of strange uncomfortable symptoms and you feel as though you are going to die very soon.

For some people, their panic attack is a one-off, isolated experience but for others, it never really does go away and they continue to suffer from panic attacks again…and again…and again.

Left untreated, panic attack sufferers can develop irrational fear of situations that they think might trigger their panic attack. In the worst case scenario, they may also become totally house-bound as they feel unsafe going out alone. This can have a very serious and negative impact on their relationships, work and personal life.

Hence, this site was created with the intention of helping all panic attack sufferers. Learn more about your symptoms now and discover how you can stop you panic attacks permanently!


Depersonalization - Feeling "Unreal"

One of the most mysterious symptom which is difficult to explain and describe. You may either feel that you are not real, or even out of your body. It is very common to assume that you must be going mad or crazy…I mean…when have you ever heard of people feeling “unreal”?

You may also feel like you are in a dream like state. Things around you are shimmering, foggy and hazy.

You need to understand that the mind and body are tightly integrated and this symptom is a clear example of how an overly stimulated nervous system and cause you to experience an odd mix of feeling, emotions and perception. This feeling of unreality or depersonalization is one type of mental state that high level of stress biology can produce.

There is not much research into this particular symptom but you only need to know that you are perfectly safe and fine. You are definitely NOT going crazy or mad. When you start to calm down and relax, this feeling will die off eventually.

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